3rd Party Integration - ActiveX OCX - Properties, methods & events
Control Properties and Methods:
The following table lists the controls properties and methods available to the programmer. A brief description will outline any additional information to be considered when using the control to exchange data.
Name | Mode | Usage | Parameters | Returns | Notes | |
FL |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
Keyfax action code (generated from script path) |
ActionCodeDesc |
FL |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
FL action code description |
ActionCount |
FL |
Read only |
None |
Long |
Count of returned action code sections |
Additional_Info |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD additional information entered by user |
AdviceCode |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
RD/FL advice code (generated from script path) |
AdviceCodeDesc |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
RD/FL advice code description |
AdviceCount |
Read only |
None |
Long |
Count of returned advice code sections |
AdvicePlainText |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
RD/FL advice code full message body text |
Asset |
RD |
Read/write |
Svalue (String) |
File path |
RD asset XML file. Must have <Asset> node. |
AssetID |
RD |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets the Asset ID for the current script. |
AssetString |
RD |
Write only |
Svalue (String) |
String |
RD asset XML string. Must have <Asset> node. |
Bookmark |
RD |
Read/write |
Svalue (String) |
File path |
RD bookmark XML file name (including path). |
CloseExport |
None |
None |
Used after returned XML data is read |
Contractor |
RD |
Read Only |
Item (Long) |
String |
RD repair code Contractor ID |
Communal |
RD |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets Communal start-up item (not currently used) |
Communal_Type |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD communal type returned from script |
Company |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
If this property is to be used (by default Keyfax assumes a single company environment), it MUST be set EVERY TIME the Keyfax.OCX is launched, initialized or after the ‘InitStartup’ method is called. This property is only available in version of the OCX or greater. If supplied, Keyfax will attempt to locate a configuration file of the same name, e.g. .Company = "HOSTCO01" will cause Keyfax to look for a configuration file named : HOSTCO01_CONFIG.XML |
CompleteBy |
RD |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
RD complete by date for repair code returned |
Contractor |
RD |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
RD/FL contractor for repair code returned |
CustomCount |
RD |
Read only |
None |
Long |
Count of returned custom code sections (under development) |
EnquiryCategory |
FL |
Read only |
None |
String |
FL enquiry script category title |
EnquiryCatRef |
FL |
Read only |
None |
String |
FL enquiry script category ID |
EnquiryDialog |
FL |
Read only |
None |
String |
FL enquiry script ID |
EnquiryText |
FL |
Read only |
None |
String |
FL enquiry script description (with recorded responses) |
Export |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets export exchange method (only required if not XML) |
ExportXML |
Read only |
None |
XML Document |
MSXML2 XML Document stream of export.xml |
Fault_Dialog |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD fault script ID |
FaultText |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD fault script description (with recorded responses) |
GetBookmarkFolder |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
Path to Keyfax Bookmark folder |
GetKeyfaxWnd |
Read only |
None |
Long |
Windows Handle to Keyfax application |
Read only |
None |
Long |
Keyfax export status value from registry |
GetKeyfaxStatusText |
Read only |
None |
String |
Keyfax export status value description |
Read only |
sXpath (String) |
String |
Return XML node text by specifying an Xpath query as parameter. (same as GetStartNodeByXPath) |
GetSingleNode |
Read only |
sNode(String), sXPath(String) |
String |
Return XML node text by specifying sXPath ("Main" = no XPath required if sNode under Enquiry or Fault node, "Common" = no XPath required as sNode is under XML Root, otherwise full Xpath and then Node) and sNode (Name of Node to return text for) |
GetStartNodeByXPath |
Read only |
sXpath (String) |
String |
Return XML node text by specifying an Xpath query as parameter. (same as GetNodeByXPath) |
HasSubActions |
FL |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
Boolean |
FL action section has sub action section(s) (see SubActionCode ) |
History |
RD |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
File path |
RD history XML file. Must validate to history.dtd file. |
HistoryString |
RD |
Write only |
Svalue (String) |
String |
RD history XML string. Must validate to history.dtd file. |
InitStartup |
None |
None |
Used before setting start-up data to clear last values |
Read only |
None |
Boolean |
Check to see Keyfax is loaded into memory |
IsKeyfaxActive2 |
Read only |
None |
Boolean |
Check to see Keyfax is loaded into memory. This is the preferred method - it enumerates all open windows. Note: this will return True if the Keyfax Administrator Tools program (KFAdmin.exe) is loaded) |
Item |
Read/write |
lValue (Long) |
Long |
Sets/gets current fault/enquiry (use for multiple faults/enquiries returned in export) by default is set at '1' |
ItemCount |
Read only |
None |
Long |
Count of faults/enquiries returned in export data |
LA_Code |
FL |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets start-up Local Authority code for add-in database functions of FL |
sParam (string) |
Long |
Used to start Keyfax, the sParam parameters are the usual startup command line parameters (ie '/S:XML /E:XML /M:RD /V:MIN /U:operator /P:Global /H:1'). Will return the Status. |
LoadExport |
None |
None |
Used to open export xml file prior to reading properties |
LogDate |
Read only |
None |
String |
Date/time of script process (ie '30 /04/2001 13:45:14') |
MainCustom |
Read only |
sNode (String) |
String |
Custom export node associated to the Repair/Enquiry data. The sNode parameter is used to define the XML Node name required (ie 'Location') |
Mode |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets start-up Mode, sValue parameter = 'FL' or 'RD'. Mandatory in launch, start-up and export xml (this value must be set before any other properties are set or read) |
NotifyStatus |
bToggle(Boolean) |
None |
Used to enable/disable StatusX event for early bound OCX integration |
OAP_Disability |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets OAP disability start-up item (not currently used) |
FL |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
Identifies FL action code parent section from sub action section |
Password |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets start-up user's password (mandatory in launch and start-up xml), this can use the Global password for users other than administrators |
Priority |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
RD repair/FL action code priority code |
Reason_Code |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD fault reason code |
Reason_Text |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD fault reason code description |
Recharge |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD fault repair is chargeable '1' or '0' |
Recharge_Code |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD fault recharge code (generated from script path) |
Recharge_Cost |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD fault recharge code description |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD fault repair reference as passed from host |
Repair_Status |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD fault repair status (ie '2' = logged) |
RD |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
RD fault repair code (SOR code generated from script path) |
RepairCodeDesc |
RD |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
RD fault repair code short description |
RepairCount |
RD |
Read only |
None |
Long |
Count of returned repair code sections |
RepairNo |
RD |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets start-up repair reference (optional in start-up xml), this value will be returned in export Repair_No item |
Schedule_ID |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
Recorded reference to script, for use in audits and orders.mdb |
Scheme_Code |
FL |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets start-up Housing Scheme code for add-in database functions of FL |
ScriptPath |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD/FL script navigation path |
SendStartup |
None |
None |
Used once start-up properties have been set (this will generate the start-up xml file) |
SetExportLoadRequestFlag |
None |
Boolean |
Used to set export status to -4 at initial load for time out processing |
SetStartupFlag |
None |
None |
Used once start-up properties have been set and SendStartup method has been called (this will give Keyfax the focus for a script session) |
Site_Visit |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD instructions for site visit by contractor/inspector |
Special_Instructions |
RD |
Read only |
None |
String |
RD special instructions for contractor/inspector |
Startup |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets start-up exchange method (only required if not XML) |
StartupXML |
Write only |
oData (MSXML2 DomDocument) |
None |
MSXML2 XML Document object to load into startup.xml. note: SendStartup method not required. |
Status |
Read only |
None |
Long |
FL/RD export status (see status section) |
StatusX |
Event |
Status (Long) |
Long |
Keyfax Status event. Only if OCX is Early Bound and NotifyStatus method has been set at True. This replaces the GetKeyfaxStatus property. |
FL |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
FL sub action code (see ParentActionCode for parent action section) |
SubActionCount |
FL |
Read only |
None |
Long |
Count of returned sub action code sections |
FL |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
FL sub action named export section (use in IFX exchange to define INI section key name) |
SubActionValue |
FL |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
FL sub action data associated to SubActionKey |
SubCustom |
Read only |
Item (Long) sNode (String) |
String |
Custom export node associated to Repair / Action code. The sNode parameter is used to define the XML Node name required (ie 'Location') |
Tenancy |
RD |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets current fault Q&Aset to select scripts (will use FL.INI default value if not supplied) |
Tenancy_Type |
Read only |
None |
String |
FL/RD Q&Aset used in script |
Tenant |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets current caller name/address for RD/FL script (displayed in title bar) |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets current caller ID for RD/FL script (passed back to host in TenantID_Ex ) |
Read only |
None |
String |
FL/RD TenantID reference passed from host |
Tenure_Code |
FL |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets current enquiry Q&Aset to select scripts (will use FL.INI default value if not supplied) |
UnitOfMeasure |
RD |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
RD unit of measure for repair code returned |
UnitOfMeasureQuantity |
RD |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
Long |
RD quantity of units for repair code returned |
UpdateAssetID |
RD |
Read Only |
Item (Long) |
String |
Requested property Asset ID requiring updating |
UpdateCount |
RD |
Read only |
None |
Long |
Count of returned asset update sections |
UpdateNewValue |
RD |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
Requested property Asset node's new value. |
UpdateXPath |
RD |
Read only |
Item (Long) |
String |
Requested property Asset node to update. |
Read only |
None |
String |
FL/RD UserName reference passed from host |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets current user for RD/FL script (passed back to host in UserCode ) |
Visibility |
Read/write |
sValue (String) |
String |
Sets/gets application start-up visibility (should only be used in LaunchKeyfax method ie /V:MIN = start minimized) |
The list of properties refer to matching named elements in the start-up and export XML named elements returned from Keyfax to the OCX.
However, since version 3.2 of Keyfax some additional elements have been added to the export XML, which cannot be read directly from named OCX properties.
In version 3.2 of Keyfax we have added the ability to specify additional elements in the Export XML by configuration templates. This allows customers to define custom elements without the need to recode the OCX interface.
The GetNodeByXPath property can be used to fetch data from these bespoke elements as required.
Sample Keyfax Result reading code, using GetNodeByXPath
With oKeyfax '=== Set the Mode to 'RD' or 'FL' .Mode = "RD" '=== Load result XML and Assign OCX properties .LoadExport '=== Read the location element of returned XML data <location> = .GetNodeByXPath("Fault/Location") <advicecode> = .GetNodeByXPath("//Fault[@name='Fault1']/Advice[@name='Advice1']/AdviceCode") <isdeleted> = .GetNodeByXPath("//Fault[@name='Fault1']/Repair[@name='Repair1']/IsDeleted") '=== Close the XML document .CloseExport End WithItems shown in arrow bracketing (<host variables>) indicate host application variables.